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Luke Fountain
14 days ago

I appreciate your testimony and I believe you are doing amazing and wonderful things for the glory of Jesus! I'm 28 years old and have made Jesus my Lord and Savior for my whole life. I have always struggled with anxiety. Some days are better than other others. The panic attacks can be pretty debilitating. I am currently doing pretty good with my anxiety as it has not been getting in the way of things (although I still feel underlying anxiety most days). I am very thankful to God for this. I am asking for prayers that Jesus to continues to heal me from this anxiety and to help me not feel worried about the future (if my anxiety will get worse). Thank you and may God bless you!

23 days ago

Thank you for sharing your powerful testimonial on YT. God continue to bless and keep you in JESUS MOST HIGH NAME! Please pray for my best friend and husband to be 'Ken' as he has been affected by the evil, draining, lying spirit of alcoholism/drugs for over 40 years and IT MUST GO NOW IN JESUS NAME! I SPEAK LIFE AND HAPPINESS OVER KEN AND I WOULD APPRECIATE IT IF YOU WOULD ALSO PRAY FOR HIS ETERNAL DELIVERANCE! Thank you.

Julio Cabral
a month ago

Ive been praying and asking the Lord for Healing, and i believe in his time it will be done, I am asking if you can pray for me to be healed of abdomen pain/organ pain that hasnt been diagnosed and its keeping me from physical activities, thanks you Amen

Nichole Demore
a month ago

Seeking the baptism of the holy Spirit. Being that I'm in a Marketplace outreach ministry I need the power of God to accomplished His word.

a month ago

I never feel rested and am always on edge. I feel consistently low, frustrated, and unfulfilled. Please pray that I will have time in the future for rest and that YHWH calms my mind down.

Candy Dawn
a month ago

Please pray for me to be totally filled/baptized with the Holy spirit. I long and I thirst so much. Also to let go of bitterness/anger. Please pray for my pomeranian who MIGHT have prostate cancer. We find out for sure next month. ♡

a month ago

To be totally delivered from lying and be baptized with the Holy Spirit. To stand in the gap for my family's salvation.

a month ago

My teen son wanting deliverance. tried around here & no luck. Had sickness that cant be diagnosed now 2 years! and other stuff

a month ago

I want to receive Jesus Christ into my life, soul, spirit and to forgive me and break all chains, mental torture that holds me bound.

Tracy Lipman
a month ago

Need healing from Rheumatoid Arthritis, hypothyroidism and nicotine addiction smoked since I was a child